(Aboard the Cutty Sark in London, August, 2000)

Terry L. Weech
School of  Information Scienes
University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
501 E. Daniel Street
Champaign, IL 61820  U.S.A.
Phone 217-333-0646 / fax:  217-244-3302

For a selection of links relating to Terry's teaching, academic advising, committee work, and other activities, see http://cpanel.ischool.illinois.edu/~weech/index.htm For Terry's international activities, see below:

Terry's teaching and research interests at the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science include the areas of Reference Services and Sources, Government Information, Library Administration, Library Cooperation and Networks, Library Use Instruction, and Economics of Information. He has worked at the Illinois State Library, the University of Illinois library,  and has taught at the University of Iowa, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas.   He was head of the library science department at Mississippi University for Women in Columbus Mississippi.  His master's and Ph.D. degrees are from the University of Illinois.  He has been active over the years in the American Library Association and many of its sections and divisions, including serving on the Public Library Association Board of Directors and the Editorial Board of the Reference and Users Services Association journal.  He also serves as a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Government Information. In 1999, he was elected to the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Standing Committee on Education and Training as an ALA representative to IFLA. He has also served as a member of state library association intellectual freedom committees over the years in Mississippi, Iowa, and Illinois. His recent international activities are listed below.

ARGENTINA: The International Federation of Library Associations met in Buenos Aires, Argentina in August of 2004. Terry is Chair of both the Education and Research Division and the Education and Training Section of IFLA. For photos of the conference in Buenos Aires see: IFLA2004

BULGARIA: In April, 2000 he visited Sofia, Bulgaria. For photographs of the Sofia, Bulgaria, click on Sofia. November, 2000 found Terry back in Sofia Bulgaria at the Sofia2000 Conference where he presented a paper on the impact of the internet on international library and information science education. Terry returned to Bulgaria in November of 2002 and presented a paper on teaching about the Civil Society in Library Schools. For photos of this visit see: Sofia2002. In November of 2003 Terry received a Fulbright Senior Specialist Award to lecture and consult at the University of Sofia in Bulgaria. For photos see Sofia2003.  In November, 2004, Terry attended the third biennial conference in Sofia co-sponsored by Emporia State University and the University of Sofia. For photos, See Sofia 2004 In November, 2006 the fourth biennial conference in Sofia was held and photos can be found at Sofia 2006  November, 2008, Terry participated in the conference held in Sofia. Photos are at Sofia 2008

CHINA: May of 2008 found Terry in China where he visited the libraries and library schools in Wuhan and Beijing. Photos of the visit to Wuhan can be found by clicking on the following links:
Wuhan University
Hubei Provincial Museum
Mao's Villa
Wuhan LIS School

For photos in and around Beijing, see the following links:
Tiananmen Sq and Forbidden City
Peking Univ and the National Library
Beijing Public and Special Library
Ming Tombs and Great Wall
Beijing Adventure

CROATIA: In April of 2003, Terry presented a paper of the role of libraries in globalization and entrepreneurship. For photos see: Globalization and Entrepreneurship Conference
In May, 2004, Terry received a Senior Specialist Fulbright to Croatia and lectured in Osijek and participated in the Libraries in the Digital Age LIDA) conference in Dubrovnik and Mljet. For photos of the conference in Dubrovnik, see: LIDA 2004
In June, 2007, Terry attended a Roundtable on Education for Digital Libraries in Zadar, Croatia. He also visited Dubrovnik, Croatia on the same trip. For photos, see Zadar and Dubrovnik
In January, 2008, Terry and six student traveled to Zadar for Bobcatsss 2008 International Symposium. For photos of the Student presentations see: Bobcatsss 2008. For photos of Zadar see: Zadar City Tour. Photos of the Public Library can be found at: Zadar Public Library.
June of 2008 found Terry back in Croatia, this time at the 2008 Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) Conference which was held in Dubrovnik and on the island of Mljet. Photos can be found at: LIDA 2008-1 and LIDA 2008-2 and Mljet 2008

CZECH REPUBLIC: In February of 2002, he was invited to meet with the faculty and students at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. Pavla Kanska, Director of the Faculty of Fine Arts Central Library and the Library Science program, was his host. Photos can be found at Brno, Czech Republic He also traveled to Prague and visited with people from Charles University. See Prague Photos

In January of 2007, Terry and seven students and alumni went to Prague to participate in the Bobcatsss 2007 Symposium. See a description of the conference and links to photos at Bobcatsss 2007

ESTONIA: Bobcatsss 2006 was held in Tallinn, Estonia. Angela Maycock (GSLIS 2006) and Heather Moulaison (GSLIS 2002) accompanied Terry to Bobcatsss 2006. GSLIS has sent representatives to Bobcatsss since 2002. For photos from 2006, see: Bobcatsss 2006

FRANCE: In 1995 he delivered a paper at ENSSIB (The French National School of Library and Information Science) in Lyon, France on the teaching of economics of  information.  In 1996 he presented a paper on cooperation between small and large libraries at the Bibliotheque Nationale for an ABF (The French Library Association) conference. Strasbourg France was the location of the In Tele 98 Conference on Education and the Internet held September 24-26, 1998.  Terry Weech presented a paper on "A Study of Delivery Systems of Distance Education in the United States, with Possible Lessons for European Educational Systems."
In 2001, Terry visited ENSSIB again in France. For photos of his lectures at enssib (the French National School of Library and Information Science) see March 01 Visit to enssib.
March, 2003 found Terry back in France lecturing at enssib in Lyon and participating in a panel discussion at the Salon du livre in Paris. See enssib and Salon du livre 2003 for photos
April, 2004 Terry returned to enssib to lecture to the students completing their course of study. For photos of enssib, Lyon, and Larina Archaeological Park, and the area near Lyon, see Lyon-Larina. For photos of the massif central and the remains of the extinct volcanoes that were once active in France, see Le Puy
March –April, 2006 found Terry in Lyon again to lecture at enssib. Photos from this trip are at: ENSSIB 2006, Lyon 2006, and French Alps 2006
March, 2007 Terry was in Lyon and Paris to present papers. See enssib 2007 for photos at the French National Library School. See Salon du livre 2007
for photos from the Book Fair held in Paris. Terry participated on a round table discussion on Virtual Reference services this year. Other photos from Paris can be found at: Allee des Cygnes, ParisWalkingTours, Bibliotheque Nationale, and Montparnasse Cemetery
December, 2008, a trip to Paris to visit friends and former students. The photos can be seen at Paris-Christmas-2008
March, 2009 found Terry back at Enssib, the French National Library School. Photos of excursions to the Southwest of France are at http://France09#

GERMANY: 1997 he met with faculty at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute in Paderborn, Germany to discuss trends in library education in the U.S.A.  IFLA was held in Berlin, Germany in 2003. For photos of IFLA meetings in Berlin, see IFLA-Berlin. For photo of excursions to Sachsenhausen, Wansee, and Spandau, see Sachsenhausen. Photos of Peenemunde and the Baltic are at Peenemunde. Other photos of Berlin and IFLA are linked from these pages.

HUNGARY: In the Spring of 1999, he participated in an institute in Budapest, Hungary, on Current Trends in Continuing Education for Librarians, sponsored by the Open Society Institute. See photos of this event at Budapest99.  In November, 2001, he presented a paper at the School of Library and Information Science in Szombathely, Hungary, entitled "The Information Society through an American's Eyes." He also presented a workshop on "Current Issues in Librarianship from the U.S. Perspective." For the program of the conference, see: Regional Information Society and Libraries Conference.  For photos of the conference and excursions in the area see: Szombathely.
In January, 2005, Terry, with four students from GSLIS, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, attended Bobcatsss 2005 in Budapest, Hungary. Photos from the conference can be found at: Bobcatsss 2005
In January 2011, Terry returned to Budapest on his way to Bobcatsss 2011. Photos of Budapest can be found at Budapest 2011. Four students from the University of Illinois participated in Bobcatsss 2011, which was held in Szombathely, Hungary. Photos of the conference can be found at Bobcatsss 2011. Photos of Szombathely, Hungary may be found at Szombathely 2011.

IRELAND: In June of 2002, Informing Science held its 2002 conference in Cork, Ireland. Terry delivered a paper on MERLOT, (The Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching ). Photos of the Cork conference and of Ireland can be found at Informing Science Cork Conference 2002 

ITALY: In March of 2004, Terry delivered a paper at the University of Parma on LIS distance education. Photos of the Parma Conference can be found at Parma. Photos of visits to Venice, Verona, and Florence and be found by clicking on the names of the cities.
In March of 2005, Terry received a Fulbright Senior Specialist Award to travel and lecture in Italy. Photos of the Conference on Digital Libraries, can be found at Italy 2005. His keynote presentation at the conference can be found at: Education for Digital Librarianship March of 2007 found Terry in Milan, Italy, where he was invited to present a paper on the teaching of Information Literacy in schools of Library and Information Science. Photos from the Libraries and Education conference can be found at Biblioteche & formazione. Photos from the Workshop on Information Literacy that Terry also participated are at. Milan Information Literacy Work Shop 2007 For photos of Milan, see: Milan 2007  November, 2008, Terry lectured in Parma, Italy, at the special course on Digital Librariianship, DILL- The International Masters in Digital Library Learning.
September of 2010, Terry again lectured at the Digital Librarianship course in Parma, Italy. See DILL 2010 for photos. During this visit to Italy, Terry also visited Rome. Photos of Foro Italico , Hendrik Christian Andersen's Musuem, and Pompeii can be found by clicking on the highlighted links.

JAPAN: July 2017.  Terry traveled to Kyoto, Hiroshima, and Tokyo to delivery a paper with Aiko Takazawa in Hiroshima, July 4-6, and to meet with Yasuyo Inoue, Professor of  Library Sciences/School Librarianship, Dokkyo University, Kyoto, Japan, July 2-3, 2017, and to meet with Mitsuhiro Oda, Setsuko Koga, Taku Sugimoto, and Hiromi Okazawa in Tokyo on July 8, 2017.  Photos from the visit are at the following links: 

Business and Information Conference 2017 Hiroshima, https://photos.app.goo.gl/4nOBS0axLhLmecVb2 
Atomic Bomb Museum - Hiroshima, https://photos.app.goo.gl/E7fT3yg2vyKaHFJa2 
Kyoto 2017: https://photos.app.goo.gl/wxZ2ICGoG7sE7NmH3 
Tokyo-A.G. University: https://photos.app.goo.gl/RekbAI73C41Je5mf2

KOREA: IFLA met in Seoul, August, 2006. As Chair of the Education and Training Section of IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), Terry participated in the conference. Photos of the conference meetings can be found at: IFLA-Seoul Photos to the excursion to the North Korea border and the demilitarized zone, see: DMZ Photos of a Neolithic Settlement, Royal Tombs and Buddhist Temple, see: Amsa-dong

LATVIA: January of 2004 was the Bobcatsss conference in Riga, Latvia and Terry and Jessica Moyer presented a paper on Readers' Advisory Services at the University of Latvia. Photos can be found at Bobcatsss2004

LITHUANIA: In September of 1999 he delivered a paper on the Economics of Distance Education at Vilnius University in Vilnius, Lithuania. For pictures of some of the after hour activities at the conference see Vilnius Conference. For photos of an excursion to the geographical center of Europe, see Europos Parkas.

MOROCCO: In January 2007, Terry was invited to participate in a workshop on digital libraries in Rabat, Morocco. Information on the workshop and links to photos can be found at: Morocco Digital Libraries Workshop

NORWAY: IFLA met in Oslo, Norway in August of 2005. Photos from the conference can be found at IFLA 2005

POLAND: In 1998 and 1999 he taught a course at the International Centre for Information Management Systems and Services (ICIMSS) at Nicholas Copernicus University in Torun, Poland.  Photos of the 1998 session can be found at 1998 ICIMSS. For pictures from the October, 1999 session of the ICIMSS program, see OCTOBER, 1999 ICIMSS SESSION. For photographs of the new University of Warsaw library, which was under construction in October of 1999, click on University of Warsaw Library Photographs.

Photos and links to biographical statements of the 1999 ICIMSS class can be found at ICIMSS Students 1999. Links to photos and biographical statements of the ICIMSS students who will be finishing the Professional Development Classes in the Fall of 2000 can be found at ICIMSS Students 2000.
September, 2000 found Terry back in Poland to visit Warsaw and surrounding areas. Photos of Warsaw War Memorials and excursions near Warsaw can be found at Warsaw-2000. Photos of the complete University of Warsaw Library can be found at Warsaw University Library 2000
June of 2001: Terry chaired a session and did a presentation at the Informing Science Conference in Krakow, Poland. After the conference he visited the Auswitz-Birkenau concentration camps site and also took several excursions.
February, 2003 found Terry at Bobcatsss Conference in Torun, Poland. Photos for this conference are at Bobcatsss 2003

PORTUGAL: On the trip to Spain in June, 2005, Terry traveled through Portugal to arrive at the conference in Spain. See Evora, Portugal and Lisbon for photos. In September, 2007, Terry returned to Portugal to the Librarian@2010 Conference in Lisbon.  Photos can be found at Librarian@2010 and at Lisbon After Dark January, 2009 found Terry at Bobcatsss in Porto, Portugal. Photos are at Bobcatsss 2009

RUSSIA: In the summer of 1998 he participated in a four week training program coordinated by the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs for librarians and internet center staff from Russia.  In the 1998-99 academic year, he held a joint appointment in the Mortenson Center and taught seminars for Mortenson Visiting Scholars in residence at the University of Illinois. In December of 2000 Terry presented a paper at an international conference in Moscow on Distance Education. Photos of this conference can be found at Moscow Photos

SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO: In October of 2004, Terry presented at the Economic Role of Libraries, Belgrade conference sponsored by the University of Belgrade. He also participated in an excursion to Topola and had the opportunity to attend a presentation of Japanese Marionettes performing in Belgrade during his visit.

SLOVAKIA: Terry's first visit to Slovakia was in June and July of 2003 when he received a Fulbright Senior Specialist Award to lecture and consult in Slovakia. Milena Tetrevova Matasovska of Kosice initiated the invitation and she and Alena Polacikova in Zvolen and Marta Mandysova of Bratislava acted as local hosts during Terry's visit. Photos from Kosice, Slovakia can be found at Kosice. The photos taken in Zvolen can be found at Zvolen. The Bratislava photos are at Bratislava. Pictures of excursions in and around these locations are liked at the bottom of the web pages listed.

SLOVENIA: In May, 2000 he presented a workshop in Ljubljana, Slovenia on Financial Management of libraries. For photographs on the workshop gave in Ljubljana, click on Slovenia Workshop 2000
March of 2001 found Terry returning to Slovenia to conduct a workshop on Human Resource Management. Photos from that workshop can be found at Slovenia Workshop 2001.
September of 2001, IFLA organized the International Interlending and Document Supply Conference (ILDS) in Ljubljana, Slovenia. For photos of that conference, go to ILDS.
November, 2001 - Terry visited the Pioneer Library, a national library for children's literature in Ljubljana Slovenia, and presented a workshop on Intellectual Freedom in Bled, Slovenia.
March of 2002 - Terry traveled to Slovenia under the Fulbright Senior Specialist Program and lectured to students at University of Ljubljana School of Library Studies, met with faculty in the University and staff at the National and University Library. He also conducted a workshop and delivered lectures to librarians from public, academic, school, and special libraries in Slovenia. Photos can be found at Fulbright in Slovenia. The report Terry filed with the Fulbright Office can be seen at: http://www.cies.org/cies/specialists/ss_LibSci.htm
October of 2002 - Terry was invited to speak at the Union of Associations of Slovene Librarians in Bled, Slovenia on advocacy for libraries. For photos of the conference, of Bled, and other sites in Slovenia, see Association of Slovene Librarians Fall 2002
June of 2004 - He presented a paper at STIQE (Systems Thinking, Innovation, Quality, Entrepreneurship and Environment.) in Maribor, Slovenia on "GLOBALIZATION, SOCIAL POLICY, SYSTEMS THINKING, AND LIBRARIANSHIP" For photos of the conference, see: STIQE 2004 For photos of Trieste, Slovenia, and Tito's home town in Croatia, see Trieste and Slovene Excursions
October of 2005 - The Slovene librarians have separate associations for various types of libraries (academic, public, special). One every two years they meet as a group as the Union of Slovene Librarians. In 2005 they met in Portoroz on the Adriatic coast of Slovenia. Terry presented a paper at the 2005 conference on Education for Digital Librarianship. For photos, see Slovene Library Association Meeting 2005
June of 2006 - Terry presented a paper at the STIQE conference in Maribor, Slovenia on "Librarianship, Systems Thinking, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Library and Information Science in an Entrepreneurial Context"sponsored by the Faculty of Economics at the University of Maribor. For photos of the conference, see: STIQE 2006. For photos of excursions after the conference, see Maribor-Mithra-Roman Sempeter.
June of 2007 - The 2007 Informing Science-IT Conference was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia in June of 2007. Photos can be found at:
InSite-LS Conference 07 Slovenia, and Ljubljana and Plecnik's House, ZaleCemetery and Ljubljana City Library

SOUTH AFRICA: The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Conference was held in Durban, South Africa in August of 2007. Photos can be found at:  IFLA Conference in Durban

SPAIN: June, 2005 was when Terry presented a paper on MERLOT at the International Conference on Multimedia and Information & Communication Technologies in Education in Caceres, Spain.  Photos are also available of excursions to Merida, Spain and to see the Celtic and neolithic Dolmens.  Also see Evora, Portugal and Lisbon for related photos.

SWEDEN: In May of 2001, Terry presented a paper on "The Impact of Utopian Thoughts and Social Protests on Library Education in the 60s and 70s" in Borås, Sweden. Photos from the conference can be seen by clicking on Sweden-2001.

IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) CONFERENCES: In August of 1999, he attended the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) conference in Bangkok, Thailand as an elected representative of the American Library Association to the Standing Committee on Education and Training. In August of 2000 he attended the IFLA conference in Jerusalem. For some pictures from the IFLA conference in Jerusalem, click here. In the fall of 2001, Terry attended the IFLA Conference in Boston (August, 2001) and in Glasgow (August, 2002) and Berlin (August, 2003). For photos of Boston, see IFLA Boston. For photos of the Glasgow conference, see IFLA Glasgow.  While in Glasgow, Terry was able to visit may sites related to the work of the architect and designer, Charles Rennie Mackintosh. For photos of some of the sites, go to Mackintosh and follow the links. For photos of the 2003 IFLA meetings in Berlin, see IFLA-Berlin. In August of 2008, IFLA met in Quebec, Canada. Photos can be found at IFLA 2008 and IFLA people. In 2009, IFLA met in Milan, Italy. Photos may be found at IFLA 2009 Milan. In 2010, IFLA met in Gothenburg, Sweden. Photos of the Gothenburg, Sweden IFLA can be found at IFLA 2010 Sweden. On August 8 and 9, 2010, the Swedish School of Library and Information Science in Borås, Sweden hosted an IFLA Satellite Meeting on LIS Education. The meeting was co-sponsored by ALISE (Association of Library and Information Science Educators) EUCLID (European Association for Library & Information Education and Research), and IFLA Sections on Education and Training and Library Theory and Research. Photos of the conference can be found at Boras 2010. A searchable database of the proceedings of the 2010 IFLA Satellite Meeting on LIS Educaiton in Boras Sweden, see: . Go to LIS Education IFLA 2010 Satellite Proceedings Boras to find the papers from this conference. Cooperation and Collaboration in Teaching and Research: trends in Library and Information Studies Education held in August, 2010, Sponsored by IFLA, ALISE, EUCLID, and the Swedish School of Library and Information Science, Borås, Sweden. In 2016, the Sections on Education and Training and Library Theory and Research co-sponsored an IFLA Satellite meeting on International Quality Assessment of LIS Education. Photos from that 2016 Satellite on LIS QA can be found at IFLA 2016 SET-LTR Satellite. IFLA 2016 was in Columbus, Ohio in August of 2016. Photos can be found at IFLA 2016 Photos


January, 2002 found Terry in New Orleans for ALA Midwinter and in San Diego, California for a meeting on evaluation of distance education learning objects. For photos of his excursion to Coronado, Ca., click on Coronado.

For January 2005 photos of the ALISE and American Library Association Conference in Boston, see: ALISE-ALA Midwinter 2005.

In February of 2008, Terry attended the iConference in Los Angeles, California at UCLA and led a roundtable discussion on the Globalizaton of Library Education. See iConference 2008 for photos of the iConference

June of 2008 took Terry back to California for the American Library Association Conference in Anaheim. For photos, see: ALA Conference 2008. Before the conference began, Terry visited the Getty Villa

January of 2011, Terry attended AlA Midwinter in San Diego, California. Photos of the conference and the Downs Intellectual Freedom Award reception can be found at ALA Midwinter 2011

Terry represented GSLIS as an International Liaison to International Visitors to the School for a number of years. For a list of recent visitors, click on International Visitors at GSLIS.  In the spring of 2001, a group of librarians and library educators from Central and Eastern Europe came to the Mortenson Center for eight weeks. Terry has maintained contact with many of these visitors from Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Lithuania, Moldova, Slovakia, and Slovenia. For photos of this group see .Mortenson Associates, Spring 2001 He also attended an international conference on the Globalization in LIS Education at Chapel Hill, North Carolina in April, 2002. Mortenson Center Associates here during the Fall of 2002 and spring of 2003 can be seen at: Mortenson Associates 02-03.  For Fall of 2003 visitors, see Mortenson Center Associates-Fall2003

In the spring of 2000, Terry went to Austin, Texas with a group of professional colleagues to assess the quality of Texas Chili and found, quite by accident, the signage for the original Texas Reference Desk. This led him to search for George W. Bush, but instead he found Jerry Jeff Walker. It is all explained at Austin-2000

When not traveling, teaching, or doing research, Terry is listening to the likes of Lyle Lovett. To see Terry meeting Lyle Lovett, click on Lovett.

Terry Weech can be reached by e-mail at weech (at) illinois.edu.

Revised 12/1/18