Libraries in times of utopian thoughts and social protests –
the libraries of the late 1960-ies and the 1970-ies
Held 27-29 May 2001 at the Swedish School of Library and Information Studies, University College of Borås.
A conference organized by The Round Table on Library History and The Section Library Theory and Research within IFLA.
Terry in front of the entrance to
University College of
Ole Harbo, from The Royal School of Librarianship,
Copenhagen, Denmark, presenting his paper
Toni Samek, University of Alberta,
sharing copies of her publications.
Toni projecting a library journal cover
from the 1960s.
Hermina Anghelescu, Wayne State, speaking
on librarianship in Romania in the 60s & 70s
Terry presenting his paper to the conference
Terry making a point to Keith Manley, Univ.
of London.
Toni Samek responding to a question while Terry and Keith Manley listen.
Peter Vodosek, Stuttgart, Germany, Hermina Anghelescu, Wayne State,
Fred Stielow, Wayne State, and Marian Koren, Netherlands Public Library
Association, listening to questions from the audience.
Susan Rosenfeld, Wayne State University,
chairing the afternoon session.
Elisa Jeremiassen, from Nuuk, Greenland,
showing a map of libraries in her country.
Loriene Roy, University of Texas at Austin,
speaking about libraries for American Indians.
Don Davis, Univ. of Texas at Austin, presenting
paper on the Mississippi Freedom Summer Project.
Bill Lukenbill, University of Texas at Austin,
speaking on Gay and Lesbian Libraries in
Archives in North America.
Arja Mantykangas, Ph.D. Student, Boras, in front row.
Jenny Johannisson, Ph.D. Student, Boras, and Terry at break.
Judy Clayden, Edith Cowon University, Australia, Pierre Evald,
The Royal School of Librarianship, Denmark (in middle background),
and Alistair Black, Leeds Metropolitan University, U.K. at break.
Magnus Torstensson, Host and Conference Organizer and
Terry Weech are both pleased with the success of the conference
For photos of Borås After Dark, see:
For the homepage of the conference program, see:
The homepage of the Swedish School of Library and Information Studies, University College of Borås: