26-28, 2004
The University of Latvia where the opening sessions of Bobcatsss 2004 were held.
Magnus Torstensson, Senior Lecturer from the
Swedish LIS School (Borås) and
one of the co-hosts of the
Conference, welcomes the participants to the reception.
Hungarians Peter Muranyi, Andras Giczi, Gabor Aldulaimi, and Gabor Peer sharing Hungarian food and drink.
Andras explaining the Hungarian food table to the Mistress of Ceremonies at the Reception while Peter looks on.
Gabor Peer and Terry sharing some excellent Hungarian wine
Students in traditional dress offering Latvian Bread to the participants
Ole Harbo from Denmark describing the Danish food available for tasting
Another student group presents their snack specialties for the attendees to sample.
Other participants in the reception that were sharing food from their country
Ruud Bruyns from the Netherlands (UPAE Network within
explains the Dutch contributions.
Dr Bruyns makes a point about the special Dutch food
Some of the participants toast the opening of the symposium with a song
The German participants present their wine and
pastry specialty, which the Mistress
of Ceremonies holds in her
Terry enjoys tasting the food and drink from the
participants' countries, as does
Ramune Petuchovaite from
Lithuania and Ragnar Andreas Audunson from Norway
Yelena Jonsson-Lanevska and Terry discuss library education in Sweden and the U.S. at the Reception
Jessica Moyer from GSLIS, University of Illinois,
USA, and Eva Vitez
from Hungary agree that the reception has been
a success
For photos of the Conference Presentations see
photos of sites around the city, see Riga
For photos of Bobcatsss 2003 in Poland, see
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