International Workshop on Digital Library Education, March 24-25, 2005 - Villa Morghen, Settignano (Florence), Italy
The Villa Morghen, the site of the International Workshop in the hills of Tuscany above Florence
Anna Maria Tammaro, organizer of the workshop, discusses the Bologna Process in European Higher Education
Sophie Felfoldi, from IFLA, Fabrizio Melero, Instituto Sturzo, and Linda Ashcroft, from Liverpool John Moores University
Maurizio Lunghi, Fondazione Rinascimento Digital, discussing Education for Preservation
Break during the Workshop on the patio
of the Villab
de Bruyn, Jan Verhoeven, Aira Lepik, Tor Arne Dahl, Terry Weech,
Linda Ashcroft, Aban Budin
Discussion Groups in the
The Discussion Group Reports from Sirje Virkus, Jan Verhoeven, and Tatjana Aparac-Jelusic
Dixon reflects on the content of the Workshop as a concluding
Federica. Ton, Stefania, Agnese, and Terry all agree that the Workshop has been most informative
lunch before we say goodbye--
Everyone gives Anna Maria applause for a
successful conference, and she returns applause to the participants
Terry's Keynote presentation may be found at:
for Digital Librarianship
Photos from Pisa and Parma,
including photos of Students at University of Parma: Pisa
and Parma Italy
Photos of Florence during a visit after
the Education for Digital Librarianship Conference Florence
Photos of an afternoon in Fiesole
of an excursion to the country on Easter Sunday, see: Easter
Photos of a weekend in Settignano before Easter
of an excursion to Trieste Trieste
- San Sabba and Aqvileia
Photos my last day in Italy
before returning home see: Bologna
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