BOBCATSSS 2005 - Budapest, Hungary
For a history of Bobcatsss, see:
Bobcatsss is a student run conference. Here students are hoisting the Bobcatsss Welcome banner!
Most of the Conference Sessions were held in the National Library in Budapest, which is in the Castle Complex. Below are photos of students waiting for the sessions to begin in front of the entrance of the National Library. The second photo is the national library from the rear.
If you look closely at the photo to the right above, you can see the uppermost balcony on the back of the National Library. Here Terry is standing on that balcony during a break in the presentations.
Here is the GSLIS Team at Bobcatsss 2005: Leah Dodd, Jacyln Bedoya, LeAnn Suchy, David Kunz, and Terry Weech
David and Jacyln present their paper
Leah and LeAnn present their paper
Terry with Mihaly Palvogyi and Roza Frank (Szombathely, Hungary) and Anna Maria Tammaro (Italy) and Tatjana Aparac-Jelusic (Croatia)
As Bobcatsss 2005 ends, the student hosts from Norway and Hungary announce the sponsors for Bobcatsss 2006 and prepare to transfer the Bobcatsss Banner to the new hosts
The 2006 hosts from Denmark and Estonia receive the Banner and then invite everyone to come to Tallinn, Estonia in January of 2006 for Bobcatsss 2006
Fun was also had at official Bobcatsss receptions in Budapest
For more photos of people, posters and receptions, see the link below.
For photos of the 2005 Poster Sessions and Receptions see Bobcatsss 2005 People
For photos of sites around Budapest, see Bobcatsss 2005 After Hours
For photos of Bobcatsss 2003 in Poland, see Bobcats2003
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