Boston ALISE(Association for Library and Information Science Education) and ALA (American Library Association) Conferences: January 2005
Dr. Robert Martin, IMLS, Louise Robbins, President of ALISE, and Don Davis, University of Texas at ALISE's 90th Anniversary Celebration
Don Davis presents his paper on the History of ALISE -- Ken Haycock, ALISE President Elect, and R. Martin cut the cake
International Visitors at ALISE: Richard from Czech Republic -- Ragnar Audunson, Norway, waits to speak
Amory Peck, Chair of the Whatcom County Library System Board of Trustees accepts the 2004 Downs Intellectual Freedom Award for the County Library System from John Unsworth, Dean of GSLIS, and Laura Mullen, Greenwood Publishing Group
Amory Peck presents a copy of the book that was the subject of the FBI investigation to John Unsworth
Amory Peck and Judith Krug from the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom
People at ALA
Terry and the President Elect of IFLA - Alex Byrne (Sydney, Australia) at the Boston Public Library
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