Globalization of LIS Education: Barriers and Opportunities: April 7-9, 2002
Sponsored by the University of North Carolina (UNC) University Center for International Studies and the UNC School of Information and Library Science.
Evelyn Daniel organizes the discussion of LIS education issues
as Blanche Woolls (San Jose State University, California),
Jong Sung Kim (Pusan National University, Korea) and Phil Levy
(University of Sheffield, UK) consider the issues
Rebecca Rhodes (UNC) records the comments of Linda Lee
(Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore) and Jordan Scepanski
(Triangle Research Libraries Network)
Maja Zumer (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Jerry Saye (UNC) suggest
items to be listed while Rebecca Rhodes acts as the recorder
Barbara Moran (UNC) listens to Paul Solomon (UNC) lead the discussion with
Hendric Beiers (Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia), Jong Sung Kim
(Pusan University, Korea), Martin Soucek (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
and Maja Zumer (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) look on.
Rebecca Rhodes, Hermina Anghelescu (Wayne State University, Michigan), Blanche Woolls,
and Lief Kajberg (Royal School of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark)
focus on the discussion
Joanne Marshall (UNC) attempts to raise the level of discussion by standing on a chair
A group take a walk to one of the UNC campus landmarks, "The Old Well"
Terry Weech has his photo taken in front of Manning Hall, the home of the
School of Library and Information Science at UNC
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