Fulbright Sponsored Visit to Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 13-29, 2002
Approaching Ljubljana, Slovenia, over the Alps
An Aerial View of Ljubljana, with the National and
University Library in the Center of the photo with the
University of Ljubljana and the city around the library.
Arriving at the Ljubljana Airport
Joze Urbanija, the director of the Library Studies program, my hostess within
the School and a member of the Library Studies faculty, Maja Zumer,
and me at the School of Library Science and Book Studies
Terry lecturing to the a class on Intellectual Freedom
Terry meets with some of the faculty who teach library studies.
A view of Old Town in Ljubljana
A view of the castle above Ljubljana with one of the symbols
of the city (the Dragon) along the bridge railing in the foreground.
The National and University Library (NUK) in Ljubljana
Some of the Measurement and Evaluation workshop participants at NUK
Others in the Workshop on Measurement and Evaluation done at NUK as part of
the Fulbright presentation.
My hostess at the National/University Library (NUK) presents
me with a NUK t-shirt.
Terry prepares to leave Slovenia from the Ljubljana Airport after an excellent stay in Slovenia
A last view out of the window to say goodbye to Slovenia as the airplane climbs over the Alps
For more Photos of Slovenia, see:
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