University of Sofia Main Building, Sofia, Bulgaria

Terry greeted on his first day by Professor Herbert Achleitner from Emporia, Kansas, and his and my host in Sofia, Alexander Dimchev, at a lunch of Bulgarian specialties and Bulgarian beer.

Terry preparing to lecture

Class at Sofia University

Terry lecturing in a computer classroom

Class in Library and Information Studies, University of Sofia, November, 23, 1003 - Sofia, Bulgaria 

Third row: Marina, Ivan, Elitza, Victoria, Ljudmila, Sylvia, Toni, Lora, Asia, Nia.
Second row: Irina, Milena, Maya, Iva, Reni, Krassimira, Dimitria, Valentina, Radoslava, Teodora.
First row: Terry Weech, Juliana, Miroslav, Daniela,
Prof. Krassimira Angelova, Nevena, Chavdar, Krassimir, Nina

Krasi Angelova, LIS faculty, Tatyana Yanakieva, the Head of the LIS Department, Terry, and Toni Preslavska, LIS Doctoral Student

Alexander Dimchev, former head of LIS, now Dean of Faculty at University of Sofia (smiling in center in academic procession on the University's Founders Day.)

Café near apartment in Sofia provided by the School of Library and Information Studies.


Internet café near apartment

Popcorn stand near apartment

A Bulgarian Pekinese Watch Dog near popcorn stand in Sofia.

Terry in front of the main building of the University of Sofia after a day of lecturing

For an excursion to Sofia and Bachkovo Monastery, click on: Sofia and Bachkovo Monastery
For excursions to Plovdiv and Pleven, click on Plovdiv and Pleven
For photos of people I met on the trip, see: People

Photos from Terry's first trip to Bulgaria (April, 2000) may be seen at:
Photos from Terry's second trip to Bulgaria (November, 2000) can be seen at: Sofia-November 2000
Photos of Terry's third trip to Bulgaria can be found at:
Sofia 2002

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