Sofia 2006 - Conference Presentations November 9-10, 2006
Terry and Heather Moulaison (GSLIS-UIUC, 2002) discuss over dinner their presentation on Skills for a Digital Age at Sofia 2006 Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Heather Moulaison (USA), Leif Kajberg (Denmark), Judith Broady-Preston (UK), listing to Anna Maria Tammaro (Italy)
Anna Maria presenting her paper on "The Curriculum for Digital Libraries"
Leif Kajberg from the Royal School of LIS, Denmark.
Anna Maria and Heather listen to Leif intensely
Terry makes a point, but Judith is not shy as to what she thinks about it.
Heather agrees with Judith and says she doesn't care what Terry thinks about it.
Other presenters at the conference include:
Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic from Croatia presenting her paper
Sabina Aneva, from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Tatiana Nikolova-Houston, University of Texas-Austin
Terry and Tatiana (Tanya) Tchipeva discuss the conference at the end of the presentations.
Photos of Keynote speech & Reception Sofia06
Keynote and Reception
An evening with Friends, see
on the mountain above Sofia: Lunch
Above Sofia
More photos of Sofia 2006 Conference See:
and Sofia06-Dinners
For photos of the Conference presenters in 2004, see
photos of the city of Sofia in 2004, see:
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