Scenes of Florence, Italy, March, 2005

The famous architecture of Florence, Food, and the Art in the streets

The approach to the Church of St Margaret, where Dante meet Beatrice


The interior of the Church

Dante's house around the corner

People Marketing their wares

Eating ice cream and asking a policeman for directions

And Jim Morrison of the Doors is still on the streets of Florence, living the good life along with Albert Einstein


Photos from the Conference on Digital Libraries held in Florence, March, 2005: Educating Digital Librarians
Photos from Pisa and Parma, including photos of Students at University of Parma:
Pisa and Parma Italy
Photos of an afternoon in Fiesole
Photos of an excursion to the country on Easter Sunday, see: Easter 2005
Photos of a weekend in Settignano before Easter Settignano
Photos of an excursion to Trieste San Sabba and Aqvileia
Photos my last day in Italy before returning home see: Bologna

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