Excursions near Trieste - Risiera di San Sabba Prison (Internment Camp) and Aqvileia, 181 BC to 480 AD
San Sabba Prison was established in a former Rice Husking factory. It was used by the Germans to detain captured Italian soldiers after the 1943 surrender of the Italian forces. In soon evolved into a deportee terminal for Jews and others bound for extermination in German Concentration camps. But hostages, partisans, and political prisoners were executed in San Sabba and a crematorium was built to accommodate the bodies of those executed.
The interior of the prison with the indication on the left of where the crematorium once stood.
Gays and homosexuals were also held at San Sabba before execution
Terry in front of the "Paleochristian Museum" housing early mosaics and the foundation of a 3d century AD Christian Church.
The site of the ancient Roman docks along what remains of a once navigable river, with the tower of the Christian Basilica rising above the trees.
Photos from the National museum in Aqvileia, which has a large collection of artifacts collected in the city and on the roads leading to the city when it rivaled Rome in size and importance.
The Roman Road leading to the City
The Roman Forum (shopping center) in Aqvileia
Photos from the Conference on Digital Libraries held in Florence, March, 2005: Educating Digital Librarians
Photos from Pisa and Parma, including photos of Students at University of Parma: Pisa and Parma Italy
Photos of Florence during a visit after the Education for Digital Librarianship Conference Florence 2005
Photos of an afternoon in Fiesole
Photos of an excursion to the country on Easter Sunday, see: Easter 2005
Photos of a weekend in Settignano before Easter Settignano
Photos my last day in Italy before returning home see: Bologna
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