Weekend in Settignano (Florence), Italy prior to the International Workshop on Digital Library Education, March 24-25, 2005
At the top of the hill between the church (right) and bell tower (center) is a small white roof, which is the roof of the villa our hostess, Anna Maria Tammaro, lives in above Settignano in Tuscany. The bell tower stands in front of the Villa Morgan, which is a former monestary, now used for conferences.
Two of the many beautiful houses in Settignano, in the hills of Tuscany, above Florence. The second is the Villa Michelangelo. Michelangelo lived in Settignano, as did many other artists who were soponsored by the Medicis.
Terry and Eunice and Terry and Anna Maria at the gates of the Villa Michelangelo in Settignano
Eunice finds an olive on an olive tree and a cat on top of a car on our afternoon walk.
Eunice with a flowering tree and Anna Maria & Terry on the path to the spring festival held at a country chruch in the hills.
A concert of medieval music in the Church and Eunice, Anna Maria and her husband, Nicola, enjoy the food at the festival
Some Children enjoy "new" fresh olive oil on bread and Anna Maria enjoys seeing friends and neighbors.
A selection of the photos of people and pets enjoying the spring festival the Sunday before Easter
Spring comes to the hills of Tuscany with Florence in the background on the plain.
A couple and their cat (black cat on left) pruning Olive Trees getting ready for the spring Olive blooms
Photos from the Conference on Digital Libraries held in Florence, March, 2005: Educating Digital Librarians
Photos from Pisa and Parma, including photos of Students at University of Parma: Pisa and Parma Italy
Photos of Florence during a visit after the Education for Digital Librarianship Conference Florence 2005
Photos of an afternoon in Fiesole
Photos of an excursion to the country on Easter Sunday, see: Easter 2005
Photos of an excursion to Trieste San Sabba and Aqvileia
Photos my last day in Italy before returning home see: Bologna
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