Trip to Fiesole, Italy, March 21, 2005 to Meet Anna Maria, our Hostess
Eunice stops on the way to select some flowers for Anna Maria and say hello to a friendly dog
Eunice pauses on her climb to the view of Florence in Fiesole
Terry enjoys the view
Two young people relax on a marble monument and decide to focus on the sky rather than the lanscape
After the climb to the viewing point, Terry and Eunice have some refreshment at the Blue Café in Fiesole
Photos of Florence during a visit after the Education for Digital Librarianship Conference Florence 2005
Photos from the Conference on Digital Libraries held in Florence, March, 2005: Educating Digital Librarians
Photos from Pisa and Parma, including photos of Students at University of Parma: Pisa and Parma Italy
Photos of an excursion to the country on Easter Sunday, see: Easter 2005
Photos of a weekend in Settignano before Easter Settignano
Photos of an excursion to Trieste San Sabba and Aqvileia
Photos my last day in Italy before returning home see: Bologna
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