Bobcatsss Symposium - Torun, Poland
Terry Weech in front of Conference Hall where opening session was held
Two of the student hosts introduce Marian Koren, one of the keynote speakers
Marian Koren receiving a gift of Torun Ginger Bread from Katarzyna Chyikowska,
student at Nicolaus Copernicus University and Lex Coppoolse, student at the Institute
for Media and Information Management in the Netherlands.
Eva Pohar-Susnik (Slovenia) and Audrone
Glosiene (Lithuania) discuss the opening.While Terry and Julia Glynn toast the good food that is before them.
Eva and Audrone also toast the food with Champagne.
We are treated to Polish folk dancing at the Opening Reception of the Symposium
The dancers are accompanied by a Folk Orchestra
The young dancers demonstrate the joy and spirit of the dance in their enthusiasm
The conference participants (Ragnar Audunson from Oslo University College,
Norway in the Center) join in the dance.
Sjoerd Koopman, Coordinator of Professional Activities at ILFA, enjoys
his turn to take a turn on the dance floor.
Magnus Torstensson, Swedish School of Library and Information Science,
demonstrates his dancing skills.
Terry, Julia Glynn, Audrone Glosiene, Vilnius University, Lithuania, Mr Bronislaw Zurawski, PhD, senior lecturer at the Department of Library and Information Science, Nicholaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland and the main organizer of Bobcatsss in Torun, enjoy the reception.
All in all, Jessicia Jones Moyer, Lynne Rudasill, Terry, and Julia Glynn (all from the
University of Illinois) agree that the opening session and reception was a success.
For information on Bobcatsss see: