26-28, 2004
The University of Latvia Faculty of Social Sciences
building where the continuing
sessions of Bobcatsss 2004 were
Terry and Roza Frank from Hungary reflect on Terry's visit to Hungary and Roza's visit to Illinois several years back
Linda Ashcroft from the U.K and Terry discuss the 2004 conference
Iveta Gudakovska and Baiba Homa, LIS faculty at the
University of Latvia
Sanjica Faletar, Maja Cujic and Ivanka Ferencic from Croatia preparing for their presentations
Drahomira Gavranovic's presentation at Bobcatsss
Cujic explains her paper. Boris Kis, Kornelija Petr and Branka Kotur
on services to the Romany Minority
David Bawden (UK) and Ramune Petuchovaite (Lithuania)
at their presentation with
their student hostess from Latvia,
Ilze Kukle (Center)
Jessica Moyer and Terry with the two student hosts
who will introduce them
(Anja Persson from Sweden and Lina
Zuravlova from Latvia)
The closing session of Bobcatsss 2004 opened by
Persson and Ilona Kainina, Organizing Team Chairs
The hosts from Latvia at the closing session (Baiba
Sporane, Head of LIS,
Iveta Gudakovska and Baiba Homa, LIS
faculty at the University of Latvia in front row)
Magnus Torstensson (Sweden) and Baiba Sporane (Latvia) closing the Conference
Cake and Champagne to celebrate the successful 2004
conference and the looking
forward to Bobcatsss 2005 in Budapest,
Hungary, hosted jointly by Hungary and Norway
The passing of the Bobcatsss Banner to Hungary and Norway for 2005
Good friends pledge to see each other again in Budapest
For photos of the Opening Reception, see
photos of sites around the city, see Riga
photos of Bobcatsss 2003 in Poland, see Bobcats2003
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