
In the "small World Theme" just outside the Conference Center Eunice noted this Dental Clinic where Dr. Park, the dentist, proudly displayed the fact that he graduated from the University of North Carolina (Eunice's home state)

On the other hand, in the subway to start our tour of Seoul, we encountered this poster that puzzled us and most of the other non-Koreans who were waiting for the subway train. We have been told the message by the "horn" it can be translated as: "she didn't use the bidet and ended up having a big horn on the butt" and the rest translates as: "Delicate care bidet Novita, not just washing, take care of you know what!" Not an ad I have seen in U.S. Subways.

Noryangjin Fish Market, one of the largest in Seoul, stretches to the horizon.


Eunice admires the octopus display and watches the delivery of a fish lunch by motorbike to one of the vendors.


As his owners haggle over the price of fish, the dog admires Eunice's Purple Bag.

More photos from the Fish Market



The Korean War Memorial which has many exhibits on military history of Korea from ancient times through the Korean War. The Sculpture is of two brothers who met in battle, one from the North, the other from the South.


The Kimchi Museum. Kimchi is one of the national dishes of Korea, which many varieties and a long history


Terry examines the display of Kimchi through history as the recipe evolved over time

A poster displaying health benefits of Kimchi and a model on how Kimchi is prepared in pots that are buried in the ground


Eunice examining some of the many varieties of Kimchi on display as well as some of the utensils used for preparation.

Photos of the conference are at IFLA2006
For photos of friends & colleagues at the conference see: Friends and Colleagues
Photos of the Excursion to North Korea Border are at: DMZ
Photos of a Neolithic Settlement, Royal Mound Tombs, and a Buddhist Temple, see Amsa-dong
Photos of touring around Seoul, see: Seoul City Tour II