BOBCATSSS 2005 - Budapest, Hungary
Around the City After Hours - 2005

The art-moderne apartment building in the old Jewish quarter where I stayed

The Synagogue, one of the largest in Europe, near my apartment.

Lunch with Kata Dobo, an archivest at theOpen Society Archives. Kata was a student of mine in Poland

The Kisppa Restaurant, a long established Budapest landmark.


Where I met Rachel Rudansky, a Certified Rolfer, and Frank Marcantonio from New York, who knows Christine Rich of the Dance Studios in Champaign-Urbana

And had dinner with Nora Deak, a former student from Hungary


A bakery in Budapest where a woman is enjoying something sweet


The "House of Terror" housed in the former Nazi Gestapo HQ which was later occupied by the Hungarian Communist version of the KGB. Exhibits cover the terror of both regimes. Note the roof overhang that reflects "Terror" on the building.

Some varieties of architecture around Budapest


The Applied Arts School and Museum in Budapest


At the end of the Conference Friends say goodbye until next year in Estonia

For photos of Bobcats05 Conference Presentations, see: Bobcatsss 2005 Presentations
For photos of the 2005 Poster Sessions and Receptions see Bobcatsss 2005 People
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