Bobcatsss Symposium - Torun, Poland
People and Meetings
Terry Weech in front of Conference Hall in snowy Torun
Katarzyna Materska, University of Warsaw, presents her paper on Information
Professionals in the Knowledge Economy
Remute Petuchovaite (Lithuania), David Bawden (U.K.), and Polona Vilar (Slovenia) meet
to plan their presentation (Or perhaps they are discussing which pubs to visit in the evening?)
Barbara Hull from the University of Teesside, U.K., presents her paper.
Peter Muranyi and Szaboics Biro from Berzenyi College in Szombathely, Hungary,
pose with Terry after their presentation.
Julia Glynn and Terry Weech do a presentation on Policies on Library Service to Minorities
Lynne Rudasill and Jessica Jones Moyer from the University of Illinois present on Internet Security
Sjoerd Koopman, Coordinator of Professional Activities at IFLA
and Ragnar Audunson from Oslo University College, in discussion.
Terry and Baiba Holma, Department of Library Science and Information Science,
University of Latvia, discuss Bobcatsss 2004 which will be held in Riga, Latvia.
For photos of the Opening Reception and Reception, see:
OpeningFor information on Bobcatsss see: Bobcatsss History