STIQE Conference - June, 2006
The following photos are generally in the sequence of the conference presentations as listed in the program.
Nina Beglcevic and Marina Klacmer
Stefan Bojnee
Matjaz Mulej and Jan Cincera
Andrina Grigorescu
Vesna Cancer and Anita Hrast
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Jozica Knez-Riedl and Sonja S. Lebe
Hellmut Loeckenhoff and Jean-Pierre Foll
Suzana Markovic and Tatyana Medvedeva
Friday, June 30, 2006
Vojko Potocan and Milan Jurse
John Raven and Miroslav Rebernik
Gerald Steiner and Terry Weech
Miroslav Rebernik, Mat Mulej and Milan Jurse and the Close of the Conference
Dinner with Colleagues on the bank of the Drava River
The view of Maribor Lent (docks) area from the River Bridge, which is the area where we had our dinner
Photos of excursion around Maribor can be found at: Maribor-Mithra-Roman Sempeter
Photos of People seen during 2006 Visit can be found at: Pics06
Photos of STIQE 2004 can be seen at: Maribor-STIQE 2004
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