Excursion to Skofja Loka during October, 2002 Visit to Slovenia.
The Church of the Annunciation at Crngrob
on the way to Skofja Loka
The plaque describing the significance of the Church
The interior of the 14th Century Church
Refreshments are served under the tree outside.
The Church and the countryside provides a pleasant setting
Skofja Loka is in the distance as Terry walks down the hill from the Church
to examine a kozolec, a traditional Slovenian Hayrack.
The hay (sometimes corn) is hung above the damp alpine ground to dry
Below the Church, a family gathers the fall vegetables from the garden
In Skofja Loka an interesting sign hangs on the street
In Skofja Loka, we visit the library at the Capuchin Monastery
A monk shows us the Library and some of the incunabula
Simona Resman, Head of the City Library in Ljubljana, listens as
our host explains the challenges of preservation of the collection.
Simona and Terry later discuss the excellent food and drink at the
reception held after the excursion to Skofja Loka
The Vice-President of the Library Association, Karmen, also enjoys the reception
Terry finds many things made from pumpkins at the reception,
including much delicious food and this jack-o-lantern
Photos of the Conference Events and Meetings can be found at
ConferencePhotos of the excursions in Bled during the Conference see
Castle and IslandPhotos of Idrija and Kobarid, Slovenia, see
Idrija/KobaridTo return to Terry Weech' s home page, click on