Sites around Prague, Czech Republic, March 1-4, 2002
The famous Charles Bridge with the Prague Castle in the background
Among the many interesting buildings in Prague was the "Foreign Legion"
building, now a bank, that immortalizes in the frieze and statuary the Czechs who
went to Russia to fight with the White Russians and Americans against the Reds.
(Note the Art Nouveau door into the building that is half open)
The Art Nouveau Municipal House housing a theatre and restaurants
The view of the entrance to the Municipal House
The front of beautiful ironwork 19th century train station.
Inquires are made of a young man promoting the newly
opened "Museum of Communism" with the sign on a pole
The Prague Opera House where Mozart received rave
reviews after being panned in Vienna
A Sword Swallower completes his act
on the Prague streets.
The astronomical clock in central Prague
Look closely and you can see the figures
coming out at the hour
Terry walking in Old Prague with the Charles Bridge in the background
Advertising on poles is very popular. Here the
person uses his time to read a book while promoting
three businesses
Terry Crosses the Charles Bridge and rests with Old Prague over his shoulder
For Photos of Libraries and the University, see:
Prague LibrariesFor Photos of the Search of Franz Kafka, see:
KafkaTo return to Terry Weech' s home page, click on