A Trip to Slavkov, the Site of the Napoleon's Battle of Austerlitz - 2 December, 1805

The road leading to the site where Napoleon supervised
the battle of "The Three Emperors" or the Battle of Austerlitz



The monument on the crest of the hill where Napoleon observed
the battle in December, 1805


The view of the battlefield as Napoleon might have seen it


The peace monument erected in 1912 to the 1805 battle where so many
lives were lost.


The view of the main battlefield where many thousands died


The old postal station where Napoleon planned his strategy for the battle


Across the road from this 19th Century historical site, a lot is for sale
(Note: the sign is in English, not Czech)


The Slavkov Chateau, where Napoleon signed the peace treaty with the
Austrian, Russian, and German Armies that set the map for modern Europe


Since it was February, the Chateau was closed, except for one section

It turned out that the Slavkov Public Library (Knihovna) was located in the
Chateau and it was open!

The librarian, Ludmila Coufalova, was very happy to see us

During the annual re-enactment of the Battle, Ludmila
plays the role of an Austrian-Hungarian Spy who entices
secrets from Napoleon in his camp. The dual life of a librarian!

We leave the Slavkov Chateau to return to Brno

 On the way back, we encounter a horse drawn wagon on the road

For Photos of the city of Brno, click on Brno2

For Photos of the University and libraries in Brno, see: Brno

For the Faculty of Arts Central Library page, see: http://www.phil.muni.cz/knihovna/akuvod.htmr

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