Visit to Brno, Czech Republic, February 24-28, 2002-The Sites of the City of Brno
The view of Brno from the Castle, with the Mendel Institute
below (Yes, Mendel of the genetic pea experiment fame)
near the Church (Mendel was a monk)
Schwanz´s Palace, sometimes called the House of the Lords of
Lipa. It was designed by Antonio Gabri for the Brno wine-merchant
Christopher Schwanz and is perhaps the finest piece of Renaissance
architecture in Brno.
One of the many interesting architectural
styles in Brno
Another Renaissance style building turned into
a shopping mall on the interior
But not all architecture is directed at brick and mortar. Here
are some Easter cakes in a shop window
Here is the ''Old Town Hall" of Brno
If you look closely, the center tower is bent. The
story is that the city refused to pay the builder the
agreed sum for the construction, so the builder
finished the building with a bent façade in the center
Inside the Town Hall are the "Brno Dragon" and the Brno Wheel
There are legends behind each item.
Within the "Old Town Hall" courtyard is "The Wheel" restaurant celebrating
the Moravian carpenter, who, according to the legend, managed to fell a tree, to make
a wheel of its wood, and to roll it from Lednice to Brno (40 km) in a single day
The famous "Red Church" of Jan Hus, the Czech religious reformer
of the 15th century.
Another view of the Red Church of Jan Hus
For Photos of the Slavkov (Battle of Austerlitz) click on Slavkov
For Photos of the University and libraries in Brno, see:
BrnoFor the Faculty of Arts Central Library page, see: return to Terry Weech' s home page, click on