Excursions on the Istra Peninsula, Croatia, April 2003

Porec, Croatia, which has the 6th Century Basilica of Euphrasius.

Terry Contemplates the beauty of the 6th century Basilica.

The interior of the Basilica with its beautiful Byzantine mosaics

The Roman Temple of Neptune in Porec where anyone can walk among the ruins

There are many artifacts left from the Temple of Neptune

Why was it the Temple of Neptune? A look across from the Temple out into the Adriatic
Sea gives an explanation.

One of the many cats in Porec near the Temple

A close up of a Porec Temple cat.

Pastries in Porec, Croatia.

Italian Ice (glace) in Porec along with pastries are available everywhere.

A typical Istrian stone house on the Peninsula

Olive trees, the rich soil that grew the fruit that the Romans put in ships to send to Rome

The Istrian Shore looking into the Adriatic.

Another view of the Istrian Shore near Barbariga

One last look at the Adriatic Coast before leaving

For photos of excursions while in Pula, see: Pula
For a link to sites in Slovenia and Istra on the drive to Croatia, see
For a link to the conference in Pula, see: Globalization and Entrepreneurship

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