Excursions in Pula during the International Conference on Globalization and Entrepreneurship in Pula, Croatia, April 2003
Denisa Krbec and Terry in front of Denisa's School
Denisa shows Terry her office.
Denisa and Terry pause under the Golden Arch, one of the larger Roman Arches in Pula.
It stands near the site of the former Berlitz language School where the Author James Joyce
taught English to officers of the Austrian-Hungarian Navy in 1904.
The entrance to the Café Uliks (Ulysses) in Pula located in the former Berlitz Language
School Building. The red light above Terry's head is not a Roman God striking him with
lightening, but is the reflection of the neon sign in the Café.
Denisa points to the display in the Café of items relating to James Joyce
Terry exams some of the artifacts in the display on James Joyce.
Denisa and Terry enjoy refreshments in the Café Uliks.
The remains of a Roman Theatre in Pula, not too far from the Café Uliks.
A large container to store grain or olive oil in the garden of the Archeological Museum in Pula.
Note the Double Roman gate in the background which forms an entrance to the garden.
Another view of the Roman Double gate
The entrance to the Archeological Park in Pula as spring flowers begin to bloom
This park was once a Roman Forum. Now remains of pillars and a Roman sarcophagus
are found.
Near the Roman Forum in Pula, Terry examines the mosaic floor of a middle class Roman
house from the 1st or 2d century AD that was discovered when an American bomb hit the building
in 1944 that had been built on top of it. When clearing the rubble, this ancient floor was uncovered.
A detail photo of the ancient floor and the walls around the Roman house.
The Plaza in central Pula with the Roman temple to the left and the Town Hall to the right.
The Pula Shipyards can be seen in the background.
One of the best preserved Roman Temples outside of Rome is found in central Pula.
The wall of the Town Hall in Pula was built on the remains
of another Roman Temple, as can be seen in the stone work.
In one of the many parks in Pula, a model of the modern city is presented. Note the
Amphitheater in the center of the model and the shipyard at the lower left.
Terry inside the Roman Amphitheater as he prepares to return to the Conference.
For a link to photos of Istra see: Istra-Excursions
For a link to sites in Slovenia and Istra on the drive to Croatia, see Hrastovlje-Motovun
For a link to the conference in Pula, see: Globalization and Entrepreneurship
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