Borås After Dark
(actually because of the northern latitude, most of these events took place during the long evening twilight)

Receptions and visits to pubs after the conference hours at the May 27-29, 2001 Conference on Libraries in times of utopian thoughts and social protests in Borås, Sweden.

A group of happy people at a local pub in Borås


Another view of the participants after hours

Notice the large glasses of Beer as the photographer is toasted with "skoal"


Apparently it is a Swedish custom to continue toasting until all pictures are taken

Magnus and Don enjoying the "schnapps" singing reception.


Magnus receiving a gift of historical volumes from Don for the University
College Library.

Not all after hour sessions were held in pubs. Here is Terry
visiting the Textile Museum observing the patterns that were
the model for the early punch cards and paper tape used in computers


Another evening was spent at The Library Museum in Boras.

Below is Ingemar Rosberg, the curator in the Museum. For
more information on the Museum, see

 (Photos of The Library Museum taken for The Library Museum WebPages)

For photos of the actual conference in Borås see:

For the homepage of the conference program, see:

 The homepage of the Swedish School of Library and Information Studies, University College of Borås: