(For students who are undecided about a concentration or who want to cover their options to have flexibility for job placement opportunities, this list is compiled by Terry Weech and should not be seen as an endorsement by other faculty or staff in the school. Over the years I have had many students in the school who found this and earlier versions of this list helpful and have received positive feedback that the content of the classes listed were helpful and relevant as in providing foundation for their eventual career paths in librarianship.)
Two required core courses: IS 501(4 hrs) & IS 502 (2 or 4 hrs)
Five suggested “Super Core” courses that provide a solid foundation for librarianship of all types:
IS 504 Reference (4 hrs)
IS 505 Administration & Management of Libraries & Info. Centers. (4 hrs)
IS 507 Bibliographic Metadata [Cataloging] (4 hrs)
IS 508 Collection Development (4 hrs)
IS 544 Library Cooperation & Networks (4 hrs)
Suggest selecting from the following for the remaining 12-14 graduate hours for MS-LIS
IS 451 Intro to Networked Systems (4 hrs)
IS 503 Use and Users of Information (4 hrs)
IS 512 History of Libraries (2 or 4 hrs)
IS 525 Government Information (4 hrs)
IS 526 Searching Online Info. Systems and/or one of the Specialist Reference courses (2-4 hrs)
IS 549 Economics of Information (4 hrs)
IS 569 Financial Management (4 hrs)
IS 578 Technical Services Functions (4 hrs)
LIS 582 Preserving Information Resources (4 hrs)|
LIS 590-EV Evaluating Programs and Services (4 hrs)
Compiled and revised by T. Weech 2/7/2018