Maria Dimitrova
Librarian & Administrative Assistant
DGKV Attorneys and Counselors at Law
10 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., 1000 Sofia

Tel. 00359/ 2 / 980 13 58
Fax 00359/ 2 / 980 35 86

Currently Maria Dimitrova works as a librarian and administrative assistant in a major Bulgarian legal firm. Her duties comprise the whole spectrum of traditional library activities, but accentuate the reference work information retrieval and service, and legal database maintenance; and also documentation and filing.

She finished State Librarian College in Sofia, library studies and bibliography faculty in 1987 & social pedagogy at Sofia University "St. Cyril and Methodius," in 1996.

Since 1987 she has been working as library and information officer; and from May 1994, until March 15, 2000 in Open Society Foundation – Sofia’s (OSFS) Library and Information Center as chief librarian. She defines as her major success during this period the reference work and advising she provided to the library users.


She can be on e-mail reached at:

Personal letter about the ICIMSS experience.

It is a great pleasure for me to have this opportunity to say a few words to the potential students about the ICIMSS courses of study.

Don’t hesitate and apply. If you are a library and information professional and if you feel the strong desire to increase your managerial capacity and to gain an understanding as well as practical skills relating to new IT dimensions of the library profession, ICIMSS is the proper place for you. You will find at ICIMSS a thoughtfully prepared and favorably developed curriculum, excellent tutors and a highly committed advisory board. You will be welcomed into a friendly and open-minded international community, eager to exchange experiences, visions, and imagination; hence an opportunity to become proficient and gain strength and confidence in your endeavors.

