Eugenia Bejan
Deputy director
National Children's Library "Ion Creanga"
Sciusev street 65
MD2012 Kishinev, Moldova
Tel: (373 2) 22 95 56
Tel/Fax: (373 2) 22 95 09
I graduated in Librarianship from the Librarianship Faculty at The State University of Moldova in 1988. Since that time I have been working at The National Children's Library "Ion Creanga". I began as a librarian in Professional Assistance Department and then worked as the head of this department. In January 1993, I was promoted to the position of deputy director of the Library. I am primarily responsible for collections, reference, and bibliographic services and automation processes in the library. I am involved as a trainer at The National Librarianship School which provides continuing education for librarians in Moldova.
I can be reached at
Dear friends,
For me the ICIMSS experience is absolutely unique. In ICIMSS I have had the opportunity to verify and enhanse my abilities and knowledge. As a result of ICIMSS, I have became more confident. ICIMSS has also provided the opportunity to establish communications with colleagues from other countries, which in turn has helped me solve problems and avoid mistakes.
Everybody, student and teachers, come to ICIMSS to learn. This learning environment is the most important thing about ICIMSS. If you come to ICIMSS at least one time and feel this warm and friendly atmosphere, you want to come again.
Thanks and long life to ICIMSS community.