Nóra Deák
I have been working in the library field since my graduation in English and Russian languages in 1990, first as a subject librarian for English Studies in the University Library of Debrecen, and then as the head of the SEAS Library in Budapest. I received my second degree in Library and Information Sciences in 1997. At my present job I'm responsible for the overall management of financial and human resources, services and operations of the library, including the introduction of an integrated automated library system, train staff to use and run the different functions of the system.
I can be reached at
It is a privilege to be a student at ICIMSS since it is a unique institution providing up-to-date information on subjects of main concerns in the librarianship of Eastern and Central Europe: how to cope with constant changes in the profession, what are the major trends in library and information sciences, how to write grant proposals, etc.
In addition to the issues covered during the course which help practising librarians in their daily work, ICIMSS experience is also about networking, cooperation and friendships. Our native languages are different, but we all have a common language of understanding and the willingness to develop ourselves.
Best wishes to former, present, and future students and instructors from