Anna Klugowska

Nicholas Copernicus University Library
Gagarina Street 13
87-100 Torun, Poland

Office phone: (+48-56) 611-4403

Short Bio

Being an art historian and a librarian, I have been working in the Art Department of Nicholas Copernicus University in Torun, Poland, for almost 11 years. I am responsible for cataloguing and subject classification of books on art. In addition, I deal with providing support to library users to meet their information needs.

I can be reached at Anna Klugowska <>


The kind of knowledge offered by ICIMSS was completely new to me and went beyond my prior interests (history of art and learning English). After reading ICIMSS curriculum I thought that I would not be able to cope with its demanding content, but it sounded like a challenge for me. For the time being I am convinced that it was a great decision to participate in ICIMSS. The knowledge of Information Technology I gained seems to be indispensable in the other fields of my interest and work.

Anna Klugowska