Snjezana Ivanovic
Snjezana Ivanovic works in the library and information/documentation service of the Institute for International Relations (former Institute for Development and International Relations, IRMO), Zagreb, Croatia. She graduated English Language and Literature as first major and Information Sciences as second major at the Faculty of Arts and Letters of the University of Zagreb in 1983. Since then she has been working in the library of IMO. Her "ordinary" activities consists in acquisition, cataloguing, reference work, bibliographies, exchange of publications, putting up the bulletin of acquistions, etc. An application of ISIS-CDS software is used in IMO's INDOC service and there are three data bases with catalogue cards of books, selected articles and offical publications of international organisations or institutions of similar interest. Plans are being made to put the data bases on the Internet and made them available to a wider public.
She can be reached at Snjezana
I am happy to be one of the ICIMSS students and I hope we shall all manage to finish our assignemnets in time.
Greetings to everybody.