Professional Development Course, 2000

Aneva, SabinaSabina Aneva

Deputy Director
Central Library of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
15 Noemvri Str. 1
1040, Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: +(359 2) 892 544
Fax: +(359 2) 803 127


I work as Deputy Director of the Central Library of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (CL of BAS). I graduated Bulgarian filology in 1985. Much of my experience has been acquired at CL of BAS where I have worked since 1977. My responsibilities are: managing our library, public relations, accessing information resources, classification of books, creating education and professional development courses of the library staff and so on.

I can be reached at


I am very happy to participate in this course. I and my collegues have a good chance to attend lecture from well-known specialists. They share their knowledge and skills with us and help us to solve some problems.

My colleagues come from different countries and we have possibilities to exchange our experiences. There is a very good atmosphere here.

Sabina Aneva

This page was last updated Thursday, October 28, 1999