Lisbon, Portugal, June 2005
In 1998, Lisbon held Portugal's first Worlds Fair, see:
Today the site of the fair is "The Park of the Nations" See: oil refining port was converted into the fair ground in 1998, and now it houses a park with rides and an Oceanirum. The bridge in the background is one of the longest in Europe.
The outside of theOceanario (aquarium) and a sting ray swimming in the largest oceaniarin in Europe.
The light colored fuzzy item in the center of this photo is acually a seahorse that blends in to the vegatiation.
A wedding on the coast (port) of Lisbon.
Terry enjoys resting on the sea wall in Lisbon
People and dogs enjoy the coast in Lisbon on a Saturday evening
The last view of Lisbon before going back to the hotel to prepare to leave for home in the morning is a city bus with a large ad for Rick Springfield "Born in Europe" tour coming to Lisbon the summer of 2005
For photos of the ICTE Conference and Caceres: See
http://cpanel.ischool.illinois.ed/~weech/Spain/Conf/icte05.htmRev. 7/17/05