People Attending the Sofia 2004 Conference and the Exhibits
The Audience at the Conference
Visitors from Greece
Alexander Dimchev,
Dr. Chutima Sacchanand, Terry Weech and Herbert Achleitner with other participants from ThailandNancy Bolt, Maria Ilieva and Terry Weech
Tatiana Tchipeva(Left) and Marina Echeva(Right) two University of Sofia Doctoral Students with Terry
Terry and Diane Bailiff, Emporia State University Doctoral Program Administrator
The Exhibits
For photos of the Conference presenters, see Sofia 2004 Conference
For photos of the Pre-Conference on Globalization, Cooperation and LIS Education, see: Sofia2004 Pre-Conference
For photos of the Student Session prior to the Conference, see Sofia 2004 Student Session
Photos for the excrusions to the University Library and the National Library can be found at Library Excursions
Photos of social events and meals together can be found at: Food
For photos of some of the after hour activities, see: After Hours
For photos of the city of Sofia, see: Sofia
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