People met at the Sofia 2002 Conference
November 14-16, 2002 in Sofia, Bulgaria

 Terry with Anna Maria Tammaro, Istituto di biblioteconomia - University of Parma  


Eva, Flora, Anna Maria and Terry enjoying the Sofia2002 Banquet


Antoaneta (Toni) Preslavska, Doctoral Student, Sofia University and
Terry at the Reception at Sofia University


Milena Franova and Marina Encheva, Sofia University Doctoral Students,
and Terry enjoying the wine and food at the reception

Gordana Ljubanovic, National Library of Serbia, Belgrade; Eva
Pohar-Susnik, Slovenia; Jasmina Ninkov, City Library of Belgrade,
Serbia; and Terry in the President's Hall at Sofia University

Sylvia Stancheva and Eliza Pencheva, two of the many students who assisted
with the conference, discussing the success of the arrangements with Terry

 Terry with two traditionally costumed Bulgarian Folk Dancers at the reception


Toni Preslavska from Sofia University, discussing her poster on a "Practical Course
on Communication Skills" with
Karmen Stular Sotosek, from Slovenia, and Terry.

For selected photos of the Conference presentations see:
For photos of arrival and some excursions during the stay in Sofia, see: Excursions
Photos of visits to the National Library, the National History Museum, and to Boyana Church at
: Visits