A Selection of Photos from the Economic Role of Libraries
Conference, Belgrade, October 7-9, 2004
Barbara Moran, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, opens the Conference
Aleksandra Vranes, the University of Belgrade - the Conference Organizer
Jasmina Ninkov (Belgrade) and Allen Hopkinson (UK)--------------Edina Podzic, National Library of Bosnia & Hercegovina
Diane (Draga) Dragasevic (Toronto, Canada)-----Gordana Stokic (Belgrade)
Krassimiria Angelova(University of Sofia, Bulgaria) ---------------Jerry Saye, U of North Carolina, and Maja Jajic (U of Belgrade Student)
Terry's presentation on the Economic and Politics of Distance Education.
Terry with Maja Jajic and Lela Novakovic, two University of Belgrade Students who assisted with the conference.
A Group Photo of Some of the Speakers and Participants
Photos around Belgrade are at Belgrade
Photos of the Excursion to Topola are at Topola
Photos of visit to the Theater see Japanese Marrionettes
Terry's Belgrade October, 2004 Conference Presentation
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Revised 11/12/04