Resources Relating to International Librarianship

The purpose of this page is to provide easy access to information about conferences, organizations, and funding and grant opportunities that support librarians and library work outside the United States or to provide support for international librarians to come to the United States. This list was originally developed for the use of students at UIUC-GSLIS. It is not comprehensive, but we welcome suggestions for additions. Please submit additional resources to Terry Weech at Thank you.

International Conferences of possible interest to LIS Students (8-28-15)

January 27-29, 2016, Bobcatsss Conference, Lyon, France. The 2016 Theme: The Role of the Library as social and political place. (Bobcatsss stands for an annual symposium originally organized by nine European universities that had schools of library studies.) Today, library schools from 18 European universities participate in the annual symposium. GSLIS UIUC has had students participate every year since 2002. See: or contact Terry Weech at weech(at) for more information.

May 24-27, 2016. QQML (The 8th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference) Senate House, University of London, London, UK. Abstract submissions: 30 March 2016 Paper Submission: 15th of April 2016, Presentation Submission: 1st of May 2016

June 13-17, 2016. LIDA (Biennial International Conference LIBRARIES IN THE DIGITAL AGE) University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia. Conference Theme: Digital Library Curation and Collections. Full CFP can be found here: Deadline for submissions: February 1, 2016

June 29-July 1, 2016. InSITE (The Informing Science Institute, in collaboration with Vilnius University Faculty of Economics, invites you to attend the 2016 InSITE Conference. Submissions Due by November 30, 2015 for fullest consideration. Conference held in the heart of picturesque Old Town, Vilnius, Lithuania.

August 13-19, 2016, IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) World Library and Information Congress: 82d IFLA General Conference and Council: - Conference held in Columbus, Ohio, USA

For information on a scholarship to attend IFLA, see the Rovelstad Scholarship for LIS Students: Other fellowships for attending ifla can be found at January of each year is the usual deadline for applying for travel funds support for the IFLA Conference.

For a comprehensive list of Library and Information Science conferences see:

A List of Universities and Schools of Library & Information Studies that have Official Exchange Agreements with the University of Illinois and/or UIUC's GSLIS

The University of Illinois has comprehensive agreements with the universities listed at:

UIUC GSLIS has an exchange agreement with ENSSIB (The French National LIS School) which was formalized in 2012. For more information on this agreement, see: If you have questions, contact Terry Weech at weech(at)


A Partial List of Organizations that share interests related to International Librarianship

American Library Association, International Relations Office

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)

A Partial List of Organizations that may be of assistance in supporting activities in international librarianship

Note: Some have funding opportunities related to international librarianship and others do not provide funding, but may provide assistance once funding is obtained

American Library Association, International Relations Office (follow the links of interest)

Beta Phi Mu's Harold Lancour -Foreign Study Scholarship March 15th Deadline each year (See

European Union Research & Development Information Service

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) - Fellowships, funds & grants:

IREX - Grant Opportunities:

8Andrew W. Mellon Foundation:

The Mortenson Center for International Library Programs - The Associates Program Description:

SOROS Foundation and the Open Society Institute

US Department of State -- Fulbright Programs

International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (NASIP)

Electronic Information For Libraries: (EIFL)

SCECSAL: Standing Conference of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa Library and Information Associations,

AHILA: The Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa,

DATAD: Database of African Theses and Dissertations,

Sida: Swedish International Development Cooperation,

A Partial List of Organizations that may be of assistance in finding international internships

Note: This list is for information only. No endorsement is intended.

AIESEC: A nonprofit organization that facilitates international exchange of students and recent graduates. Both paid traineeship and volunteer positions for non-profit organizations are covered. While not specifically related to librarianship, it may be worth exploring their web site at:

You may also find Kevin Hawkins’ page at of interest 

Updated 8/28/2015 Terry Weech